First Pilates Class and not sure what to do? In this blog we will learn how to prepare for your class and ensure you have the best experience.
What do I need:
Before you can start with your session, you will need get your hands on a few pieces of equipment to make your session comfy and safe.
First up, get yourself an exercise or yoga mat. The thicker is normally best as it provides better cushion for your spine especially if you are lying on a hard floor. I use a 5mm yoga mat, but I double up – I like the grip the yoga mat provides and with two, I have enough cushion under my back and pelvis to alleviate pressure and provide extra support.
During class we may use small props like a Pilates over ball, some small pressure balls or a resistance band and even a rolled-up towel. Get in touch if you would like to get some advice on what to buy.
You may also get yourself a small bottle of water to hydrate during the session!
What to wear?
Leggings for ladies and shorts of men with a sport vest or a t-shirt is the most common Pilates attire. Avoid strong perfume (there is a lot of breathing) or bulky jewellery (don’t want to get stuck in a pair of hearings while rolling like a ball).
Skip shoes. Pilates is done barefoot. If you prefer to wear socks, then invest in a pair with grippy bottom to ensure your feet don’t slip.
Where do I set myself up?
I would suggest you find a quiet place, big enough to put your mat, with good light and good internet connection.
Then set up your device (Laptop, PC, Tablet or Phone) where you can see the screen and make sure your camera is on for safe practice and to allow your teacher to provide timely feedback. Be ready to adjust the camera during the practice if required. You can even link your device to your TV screen and enjoy your lesson on the big screen!
We hold all our classes on Zoom. You will receive a link prior to the session start. Get in touch if you have not received your link!
What I can expect during the session?
For Group Classes, you may be asked to accept recording for those who cannot attend the session live and to pop yourself on mute. However, always feel free to unmute and ask questions if you are unsure about an instruction or you have a health concern you have not shared with your instructor via your Health Questionnaire or at the start of the session.
One to Ones and Duets are fully interactive. Please leave your camera and microphone on for the duration of the session.
Enjoy! This is your time and thank yourself for dedicating an hour to your own health pension plan!
PS: Last minute change of plan and cannot attend your Group Class? Don’t worry, we will send you the recording for you to enjoy for one week.