Liability Waiver
Terms & Conditions
When registering with The Exhale Collective for Pilates classes, it is important to acknowledge the waiver that outlines the risks and hazards involved in this physical exercise. Participants must be aware that some level physical exertion may be required and may result in physical injury. It is recommended to consult with a GP if there are any medical concerns or health-related questions before participating. Pilates sessions are not a substitute for medical counseling or treatment and it is important to refer to a medical practitioner if there are any doubts about the suitability of the exercises. The Exhale Collective reserves the right to decline teaching complicated health cases. Participants must confirm that their decision to participate is voluntary and that they accept all and any risks associated with their decision to engage in the class/routine. They must also complete the PARQ (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) form and disclose any past or present health-related issues. It is important to have good physical condition and not have any disease, undisclosed physical limitation, health concern, or injury that could be aggravated or would be the cause of any injury sustained before, during, or as a result of participation in activities related either directly and/or indirectly to The Exhale Collective. By taking classes with The Exhale Collective either virtually, in person, or via their content online, it is understood and agreed that The Exhale Collective has no liability for any injury or loss (including loss of property) suffered in connection with Pilates or movements sessions provided by The Exhale Collective. Participants must confirm that they have read and understood the above advice and that they voluntarily agree to the above liability waiver and terms and conditions under their own free will.
Please be advised that The Exhale Collective has a 24-hour cancellation policy, and there are no refunds or credits for missed classes or late cancellations.
As a small business, The Exhale Collective reserves the right to cancel or reschedule Group Classes or Sessions at 2 Hours’ notice to cover illness or other unexpected circumstances. If this occurs, you will be contacted to arrange a suitable alternative, and your booking will not be lost.
In the event that it becomes necessary to increase Plan costs in line with raising operating costs, The Exhale Collective may do so, and any changes in fees will be communicated. Please note that any packages you have already purchased will not be impacted.
Sessions and Group Classes purchased on our website expire after stipulated agreed period from the date of purchase​.
You can cancel and rebook a Class or a Group Class at any time before the 24hr moratorium.​
The home studio will be closed from 15 July until 15 September. During this time, in-person One-to-Ones will be transferred online at the client's discretion. If this is not convenient, live plan's expiry date will be extended as relevant. Online classes and Online One-to-Ones are not impacted by the summer closure. Furthermore, the Exhale Collective may take holidays during the year. In this case, the client will be notified, and live plan expiry date will be extended as relevant.
Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing you at our Pilates classes.